What More Said
Martin Daško
Friday 13. 09. 14:00
Cinema ClubThe short documentary film What More Said tells the story of the almost 60-year-old shepherd Pavel Hadač. A creative artist who has gone through various projects in his life, from acting to carving, painting, and architecture. Among his greatest works are the Crooked House in Banská Bystrica and the fairytale center for children, Habakuky. However, he decided to leave this creative phase behind and started spending time herding sheep. This long period spent in solitude gradually led him to become a conspirator. However, he feels the need to be heard. The author aims to bring the life of a conspirator closer to the audience, to show and find understanding for this group, which should not destabilize people, but teach them to communicate with each other.
SK, 2024, 23 min.; sk
Martin Daško
Martin Daško, Šimon Patkoš
Martin Daško
Martin Daško
Pavol Hadač